Protect Your Paint Against Pollen

Pollen Everywhere! But Does It Damage Your Paint? If you’ve noticed a yellowish tint on your car’s surface recently, you’re not alone. With pollen season in full swing, many of us are dealing with the aftermath of the pollen onslaught. While the yellow coating may look harmless, it can actually have damaging effects on your car’s paint. Pollen, when viewed under a microscope, has tiny thorns that help it stick to surfaces. The real danger, however, lies in its acidity. …

Soft-touch Car Wash Benefits

What makes our soft-touch car wash a preferred choice? ClearWater Express Wash uses soft cloth strips and foam, instead of brushes or bristles, to clean vehicles in an automated process. This option is particularly suitable for car owners who are concerned about the potential damage that brushes and bristles can cause to their car’s paint. Here are some additional benefits of choosing ClearWater Express Wash: Effective: Soft-touch car washes use a combination of high-pressure water and cleaning solutions to remove …